Key Program Dates for AY2425
To receive information and reminders about the program:
- Sept.-Oct. - Mentor profiles published on website
- Sept. 12 - Virtual infosession on undergraduate research opportunities (register here)
- Oct. 3 - Meet and Greet #1 (sign-up)
- Oct. 7 - Meet and Greet #2 (sign-up)
- Nov. 6 - Meal for Mentoring #1 (sign-up)
- Nov. 13 - Meal for Mentoring #2 (sign-up)
- Dec. 1-13 and Jan. 6-17 Meet and Match meet-ups
- Jan. TBD - ReMatch+ application opens
- Jan. 6-16 - Pairing registration period for mentors to submit mentee pairing for confirmation by mentee
- Jan. 7-17 - Pairing registration period for mentees
- Jan. 17 - Pairing registration closes
- Jan. 21 - Virtual ReMatch+ application workshop for mentors and mentees
- Feb. 9 - ReMatch+ mentee application deadline
- Feb. 12 - ReMatch+ mentor application deadline
- Feb. 17 - Faculty adviser review and approval deadline
- Mar. 7- Summer funding decisions announced
- June 1-Aug. 3 - Residential summer program
- June 3 - First day of Summer Research Colloquium
- Aug. 1 - Research summary statement and program survey deadline
- Fall - Participation in program outreach panel
General program information for mentees
Q. What is ReMatch?
ReMatch is a research-mentoring program that offers first- and second-year undergraduates the opportunity to connect with graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in their fields of interest. The program runs events from September to January and is intended to inform the pairing of mentors with mentees based on their shared research interests.
Q. Who can participate as a ReMatch mentee?
All first and second year Princeton undergraduates are invited to participate in the programming offered during the fall semester. No previous research experience is necessary. All fields are welcome, including disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.
Q. What can I expect to gain from ReMatch?
Whether or not you ultimately decide to pursue research, ReMatch is an opportunity to:
- Explore your interest in different fields of research before deciding on your departmental major at the end of sophomore year.
- Connect with graduate and postdoctoral mentors to learn what the research life is all about.
- Gain valuable academic mentorship.
- Preview what independent work looks like in a department through a funded summer research internship before junior year.
Q. What is the time commitment expected of mentees in the fall?
A few hours, typically over mealtimes. Participating mentees are expected to attend at least one of either the Meet & Greets in October or the Meal for Mentoring dinners in November to qualify for the Dec-Jan Meet & Match meetups. Mentees are welcome to participate in as many of the events offered through the program, based on availability. Check OUR’s calendar to see a full list of events and RSVP information. Mentees wishing to continue with the Dec-Jan Meet & Match meetups typically will spend a few additional hours meeting with potential mentors.
Q. How do I register to become a ReMatch mentee?
In early fall, all first and second year students will receive an email invitation to participate in ReMatch. Interested students should sign up to be a ReMatch mentee and register to the program, as well as RSVP to upcoming ReMatch events. Mentee registration for the current academic year typically closes before the November events as mentees must have participated in at least one ReMatch event in the fall to qualify for the Dec-Jan Meet & Match meetups and be eligible for the summer program.
Q. What is ReMatch+?
ReMatch+ is the nine-week summer research program open to those who participated in ReMatch in the fall. During the program, undergraduate students receive 1:1 mentorship on a research project with a graduate student and postdoctoral mentor. Mentor-mentee pairs are formalized in mid-January; registered pairs may apply together in early February to participate in ReMatch+ over the summer. The program typically runs from early June to the end of July, in person and on campus. All mentees and mentors are expected to participate for the entirety of the program and attend the weekly Summer Research Colloquium.
Q. If I participate in fall events, do I have to also take part in the summer ReMatch+ program?
No, you are welcome to participate in ReMatch in the fall without taking part in ReMatch+ the following summer.
Q. If I did NOT participate in fall events, can I still take part in the summer ReMatch+ program?
No, only mentees who have attended at least one of the fall events (Meet and Greet or Meal for Mentoring) are eligible to apply for ReMatch+.
October - November programming
Q. How will I meet potential mentors?
In late September, you are invited to consult the ReMatch mentor directory to learn about available mentors. The program typically hosts two Meet & Greet (M&G) events in October and two Meal for Mentoring (M4M) dinners in November. The M&Gs informally bring together mentees and mentors to connect and talk about research. At the M4M dinners, mentees are assigned three 30-minute rotations between tables of mentors based on their interest in specific research methodologies. Following the dinners, mentees are invited to complete a follow up survey to list up to three mentors they wish to connect with further for the Meet & Match meetups in December and early January.
Q. What type of questions should I bring up when meeting with mentors?
To learn more about their research and how you can get involved in their field, you may ask questions like:
- What are some papers or journals I can read to familiarize myself with your field?
- Are there shadowing opportunities in your lab or department?
- What does a typical day look like for you or someone in your field?
- What courses should I consider taking to prepare for research in your field?
Dec-Jan Meet & Match Meetups
Q. What do Meet & Match meetups typically look like?
The Meet & Match meetups are intended to facilitate deeper connections and further the mentee-mentor matching process. Shortly following the Meal for Mentoring dinners, mentees are invited to submit a short list of their potential mentors to the program. Upon receiving a list of interested mentees in early December, mentors are asked to coordinate follow up meetings (ideally) before winter break or in early January. Meetings can be a variety of formats and are at the discretion of the mentor. For example, they could be 1:1 or small group (in-person or online) meetings, physical or virtual tour of a lab or research space or shadowing opportunities for students to observe mentors doing research.
Q. Does participating in the Meet & Match meetups lock me into the ReMatch+ Summer Program?
No, meetups are intended to facilitate the mentee-mentor matching process; if you do find a Re[search] mentor match, you’ll want to discuss the possibility of applying to the summer program together.
Finding your Re[search]Match!
Q. How does the pairing process work?
Mentor-mentee pairs are meant to be the result of multiple meetings and discussions that confirm a shared alignment of research interest as well as a compatibility to do research together. The intentionality behind the pairing process is one of the key determinants of a productive and effective mentor-mentee ReMatch+ experience.The pairing process begins during the Dec - Jan Meet & Match meetups and is typically formalized by mid January. You will not be “assigned” to a mentor; pairing is based on a mutual selection and agreement between you and your mentor. The program is designed for one-to-one pairings and does not guarantee matches.
Q. Do you have any advice on selecting a mentor?
Yes! You’ll want to evaluate two main criteria when meeting with potential mentors. First, how well do your research interests align with that of the mentors? How excited are you by the topic / field? Second, can you imagine yourself spending nine weeks researching with them over the summer? What is the mentor’s mentoring style and would your work style be a good fit with theirs?
Q. I’ve now identified my mentor pair; what should I do next?
Congratulations! Once you’ve formed a pair with a mentor, you must formally register with the program before 11:50 pm Jan 20, 2023. Your mentor will initiate this process by selecting you through an online form between Jan 9 – 19. Upon their submission, you will receive a pairing invitation via email and will have 24 hours to respond. Confirmed mentor-mentee pairs wishing to apply for ReMatch+ are expected to attend the Proposal Writing Workshop together on Jan 26.
Q. If I don’t find a mentor that I would like to work with, what are the next steps?
You might consider the following:
- Ask a mentor to connect you with affiliated research groups in your department of interest
- Look into the OURSIP program and other funded undergraduate research opportunities
- Schedule an undergraduate research advising appointment with Dr. Poussart to discuss other opportunities.
Applying for the Summer ReMatch+ Program in February
Q. I’m interested in applying for ReMatch+ summer program. Where do I start?
Pairings interested in taking part in the ReMatch+ summer program should register to attend the Proposal Writing Workshop together. Applications for the summer program typically become available in GPS in January and close in early February (see Key Dates section for this year’s timeline). Additional information about the summer program is available here.
Q. The application asks for a ‘research plan’; what does that look like and how do I find a project for the summer?
A research plan describes the primary objectives and associated methods of your proposed research; it should include a description of your main tasks and responsibilities, as well as an envisioned week-by-week timeline for the summer. While your mentor might already have ideas for a project, you should work with them to find a project that is interesting and rewarding for both of you. You’ll want to consult with your mentor for guidance and feedback when writing your research plan and be prepared to revise it with your mentor more than once.
Q. I found a mentor and am excited about the summer program, but I am also applying to other summer opportunities as well. How should I navigate this with my mentor?
What we typically recommend in such circumstances is that you let your mentor know of your plans (transparency is key!) and go ahead with your ReMatch+ application to keep your options open. Those selected into the program will be informed in early March and given one week to formally accept their award. If you end up accepting a different opportunity, be sure to let your mentor and [email protected] know as soon as possible.
Q. The program site states that the time requirement for the summer program is 35+ hours per week; would it be possible to also enroll in a summer course, a second internship and/or take on a summer job during the program?
Undergraduates participating in ReMatch+ are expected to fully immerse themselves in research for the duration of the summer program. Funding awarded is for a full-time commitment. Students should refrain from taking on other significant activities that overlap with the program dates; such activities include taking a course for credit (considered a half-time commitment), another internship, or an hourly job in excess of 10 hours per week.
Q. How competitive are the ReMatch + grants? How likely is it we put together an application and are selected for funding?
The selection process looks for proposals with clearly articulated motives that outline relevant methodologies, realistic scope and detailed (week by week) timelines. While we’ve been able to fund a majority of proposals in the past, keep in mind that the acceptance rate does vary from year to year based on the application pool.
Can I receive my application decision early? What if I’m waiting to hear from another internship opportunity?
Due to the number of applications we receive across our programs, we cannot make award determinations early or offer extensions to accommodate a student waiting to hear about another internship opportunity.
Q. Is my decision to accept or decline the award binding?
Your decision to accept or decline is considered final and binding once you sign and return your selection letter to OUR. Students selected into the program have one week to accept or decline their award from the time they receive their selection letter. This allows us to work through the waitlist in the event a selected participant chooses to forego their award.
ReMatch in the Spring
Q. I’d like to start doing research with my mentor this spring; is this possible through ReMatch?
ReMatch does not fund research assistantships during the academic year, only stipends for summer research internships. If you want to conduct research this spring, you should ask your mentor and faculty PI if they could hire you as a research assistant (RA). (Please note that volunteering is not permitted under University policy.)
Q. An RA position is not available for me this spring but I would still like to stay in touch with my mentor and get ready for summer; what are things I can do?
There are many steps you can take to prepare yourself for summer research:
- Ask your mentor to recommend (and discuss) papers relevant to your research project.
- See if there are opportunities to shadow your mentor and familiarize yourself with relevant research methods.
- Ask your mentor to introduce you to other members of your research group and department.
- Look into the possibility of attending group meetings, journal clubs or department seminars with your mentor.
- Find out from your mentor which health and safety trainings you will be required to do ahead of the summer (and complete them before you start doing research).
- Introduce yourself to the undergraduate administrator of your host department (email works if not in person!)
Participating in the Summer ReMatch+ Program
Q. Can I participate in ReMatch+ remotely or commute to campus? Can I adjust my schedule to for other commitments during the week (Monday-Friday)?
ReMatch+ is a nine-week, in-person residential program, and students reside in the Summer Research and Learning Village. Participants are expected to be on campus Monday-Friday through the end of the program and attend the Summer Research Colloquium weekly workshops. The residential piece of the program is an important part of building a research community; therefore, all ReMatch+ participants must live and research on campus regardless of their home address.
Q. What is the Summer Research Colloquium?
The Summer Research Colloquium (SRC) is a weekly workshop series that runs concurrently to the ReMatch+ and OURSIP summer research programs. SRC workshops focus on best practices in mentorship, communicating research (e.g., writing a research report, presenting research to a general audience), and contributing to a diverse research community. SRC also hosts lunch lectures to expose students to Princeton faculty members, their research, individual paths through academia and experiences with mentorship.
Q. Can I be absent for part of the summer program?
ReMatch+ represents a full-time commitment for the 9 weeks of the program, and the stipend is provided to make full participation possible. Mentees are required to attend all Summer Research Colloquium workshop sessions, to be physically present on campus Monday-Friday every week for the duration of the program, and to schedule vacations outside of the program dates.
As the funding program, OUR makes the final determination around program attendance. For absences related to illness and emergency, please contact OUR as soon as possible. Mentees who receive OUR approval for any planned or unplanned absences are responsible for informing their mentors and coordinating alternative arrangements.
This participation policy is designed to ensure fairness among all the students in the program by asking the same commitment of all participants, as well as to achieve the program’s goals of giving each student a full-time research experience and providing a supportive learning community.
Q. What are the final deliverables of the summer program?
By the end of the program, mentees are typically expected to prepare a research progress report (i.e. extended version of the February proposal with initial results and discussion of next steps) to share with their mentor and faculty PI. They are also called to present their research to Freshman Scholars Institute participants; when the program runs in-person, this takes place via an end of summer poster conference. If the program has to run remotely, students prepare short research videos, which are then shared with FSI students.
Q. Is housing/dining provided during ReMatch+?
ReMatch+ mentees will be provided on-campus housing for the duration of the program and receive a standard stipend intended to cover meals and help offset miscellaneous expenses. For more information, see the stipend details on OUR’s website.
Program Contact Information
Still have questions? Contact us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer them!