Princeton Correspondents on Undergraduate Research (PCUR)

What is PCUR?

Launched in the fall of 2014, Princeton Correspondents on Undergraduate Research (PCUR) is a cohort of undergraduate researchers engaged to write about their experiences with research on the PCUR Blog.  Drawn from across class years and divisions, the Correspondents promote a culture of research and scholarship amongst undergraduates, support students through all stages of research and independent work, demystify the research process, and empower more students to get involved in finding research opportunities that will enable them to make more well informed decisions about their course of study and career. PCUR is a collaborative initiative of the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Princeton Writing Program.

Subscribe to and Contact PCUR

Subscribe to the Princeton Correspondents on Undergraduate Research Blog (link is external) to be the first to read student-authored posts on all things related to the undergraduate research experience at Princeton.

Want to contact PCUR with a question or suggest a topic for a future post? Submit your suggestions to the PCUR group.

Benefits to Being a PCUR

PCURs will gain valuable experience communicating their own research (or others), receive training and mentoring from experienced undergraduate and graduate student researchers and writers, and join a community of like minded individuals. Read the post Join PCUR: Five Reasons to Become a Correspondent to learn more!

PCUR Qualifications

  • At least one summer or semester experience with research
  • Able to reflect on personal experience and give intelligent advice to fellow researchers
  • Excellent academic writer
  • Creative, resourceful, ability to work independently, and take initiatives

Application and Selection Process

PCUR applications are reviewed in the spring. Application materials include:

  • A cover letter summarizing your research path to date and explaining how you would contribute to the PCUR Blog
  • A sample post (between 500-750 words)
  • A copy of your resume

If you are interested in becoming a Correspondent, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research.